Besides the luxurious side of things, visiting where my Dad's from Suluk, Meycauayan is always a slap in the face to show you how lucky we really are! We were driven by my Uncle and Auntie in the early morning to avoid traffic. Sitting at the window seat, I watched school kids walking, the various shopfronts with handwritten signage, bright coloured products displayed, piles of rubbish everywhere, squatters, beggars, to electricity lines criss-crossing through the streets.
After a one hour drive, we finally arrived at my Grandparent's place. I walked in through the shanty gate to see for the first time in 5 years, my Lolo (Grandfather)! I yelled out 'LOLO' in excitement and gave him a big bear hug. It brought the two of us to tears still hugging each other. For my Lolo, it was weeping tears. The loss of my Lola (Grandmother) recently had taken its toll on him missing his companion. It was so sad to see.
Looking up at the living room wall, I saw photos - of our family tree. From wedding photos, BBQs at the park, family vacations, to the typical family group shots. Our family history was up on that wall, the place were each of our family members had once lived, played in the front yard, had family feasts and had been adored by my Grandparents.
Rest In Peace Petrona San Juan Cruz.
We will always love you and miss you dearly.